
Sheetal Agarwal


A Beginner’s Guide to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal disorder that happens to women of the reproductive age. The word ‘polycystic’ means many cysts. These cysts or small fluid-filled sacs grow inside the ovaries. The sacs contain immature eggs which prevent ovulation. The lack of ovulation triggers the release of androgens (male hormones) further causing a hormonal imbalance. …

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Don’t Let The Down Syndrome Take Your Life Downhill – Know More Today!

Recall your class 8 biology lessons and think about chromosomes. The first thing that comes to mind is that the human cells consist of 23 pairs of chromosomes. One of each of these pairs comes from the mother while the other comes from the father. Down syndrome occurs when a cell division abnormality occurs with …

Don’t Let The Down Syndrome Take Your Life Downhill – Know More Today! Read More »


Prenatal Infections – Types, Dangers and Ways to Prevent

The world celebrates the month of February as an awareness month against Prenatal Infections. These infections are what a pregnant woman can transfer to her child. Thus posing serious dangers and complications in the baby’s life on Earth. Not only are these infections harmful for the unborn baby but also to the to-be-mother. Yet, not …

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